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Desiree Silva is professor os paediatrics at The University if Western Australia and Joondalup Health Campus. Desiree trained as a doctor in the UK and completed her paediatric specialist training in WA and the NT. She has a strong interest in neurodevelopmental disorders with over 20 years experience in managing children diagnosed with ADHD, autism, anxiety and developmental disorders. She completes a PHD on the early environmental risk factors and education and justice outcomes for children and youth diagnosed with ADHD. 


Desiree is a member of the scientific committee for the World ADHD Congress, Neurodevelopmental and Behavioural Paediatic Society of Australasia (NBPSA) and on the professional advisory board for LADS. She is regularly invited to speak at national and international conferences on various aspects of ADHD research.


Desiree is the project co-director for the ORIGINS study, a collaborative initiative between the Telethon Kids Institute and Joondalup Health Campus to establish a new birth cohort in WA to provide a better understanding of early pre-programming of neurodevelopmental disorders including ADHD. She is a strong advocate for children and their families requiring support during their journey through life.



Michele Toner was the first credentialed ADHD coach in Australia. Starting out as a high school teacher, she has since worked in the corporate, not-for-profit and small business sectors. Her PhD (2009) and Master of Special Education (2001) both focused on ADHD. Currently she works in her private coaching practice, where her clients include executives, adults, parents and students. Michele regularly consults with schools, universities and workplaces to achieve the best outcomes for her clients. 


She is also a faculty member of there ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA). In addition to her professional work, Michele has been a passionate advocate for people with ADHD since 1995. She has served as Executive Officer, Board President, and Professional Advisory Boerd member for The Learning and Attentional Disorders Society (LADS WA).


She also played a key role in the establishment for the newly formed consumer peak body, ADHD Australia, as a founding Board Member. Michele's solid academic research background and her extensive hands-on advocacy experience allow her to operate comfortably in the both professional and consumer areas. Currently, she is co-convenor of the Australasian Professionals ADHD Network (AusPAN), and the administrator of several social media support groups for people with ADHD. 


ABC Radio

ADHD Go-To Guide Desiree Silva and Michele Toner
00:00 / 13:40
ADHD Go-To GuideMichele Toner
00:00 / 01:04



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